5 South Korean Action Film that Never Missed

In the eyes of many people, South Korea may be better known through its romantic drama films or series. However, for some lovers of a...

In the eyes of many people, South Korea may be better known through its romantic drama films or series. However, for some lovers of action films, South Korea is one country that often creates topnotch action films. Although it cannot be denied, the South Korean action film may still be less popular than the iconic action films produced by other Asian countries, namely China or Thailand.

Even so, several films from South Korea should not be missed by lovers of action films. Here I have chosen 5 of them.

1. The Witch: Part I - The Subversion (2018)

The story idea of ?? this film is fascinating. Tells the story of a high school girl who lost her childhood memories. Through an unexpected event, he was then dragged into the problem of his dark past.

The Witch: Part I is also the only film on this list that doesn't tell about revenge. Second, by second walking, the storyline gets more exciting with all the mysteries, and plot-twist presented. The final third of the film, fighters of action films will be shown a chilly battle! I can't wait for Part 2 of this film.

2. The Suspect (2013)

Like the Bourne Identity film series? If so, this one movie must be included in your watch-list! Yes, I can say that The Suspect is South Korea's Bourne Identity, with the addition of South Korean cinema's typical revenge drama.

Tells about a particular North Korean soldier who was betrayed by his best friend himself. He then moved to South Korea to seek revenge. However, at the same time, he was a suspect because he was accused of murdering a South Korean official.

3. The Villainess (2017)

In the first seconds of the film, you will be instantly mesmerized by the cinematography of a perfect fight. Yes, one of the most prominent aspects of The Villainess among other action films is the cinematography presented. So cool! You will also be shown a flood of bloody battles. Besides that, this film is guaranteed to stir up your emotions!

The Villainess himself tells the story of a female assassin whose husband left her because she was killed. He then sought revenge. However, as time went on, he realized that his whole life was just a lie.

4. Oldboy (2003)

Here comes my favorite South Korean movie! Also, included in my top 5 favorite movies! I have not found a film that plays more emotion than this one. Yes, besides being very thick with his drama, Oldboy also presents some very sadistic action scenes! Especially when Oh Dae-Su fights with dozens — or maybe hundreds of people, in a narrow hallway, with only a hammer! A very iconic scene and one of the best, in my opinion.

Oldboy tells of a man who was kidnapped and locked up for 15 years. After being released, he then seeks revenge. However, the more he searched, the more he found the harrowing facts.

5. The Man From Nowhere (2010)

Besides Oldboy, South Korean film lovers must be familiar with this one film. Yes, The Man From Nowhere is one of the most famous South Korean films. So I am not surprised by that fact. The film is like the perfect mix of the drama of revenge, shooting and shooting, and a twist that plays emotions. A package that is right for action movies.

The film tells the story of a pawnshop clerk who wants to save his neighbor, a little girl. However, at the same time, he was even dragged into the problem of a trade war between two groups of drug dealers. As a result, his mysterious and sad past is increasingly revealed.

Okay, that's the choice of 5 action films from South Korea that are unfortunately missed for action movie lovers. So, which of the five films above have you watched? So which one is the best for you?

Source: google, wikipedia, imdb



Thinking Genius: 5 South Korean Action Film that Never Missed
5 South Korean Action Film that Never Missed
Thinking Genius
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